Google is focusing on "Fingerprinting Protection Filters" in Chrome, including Incognito mode, instead of third-party cookie blocking.

Despite being owned by Google, Chrome is enhancing user privacy due to its market dominance.

Fingerprinting tracks users by creating profiles based on device data and browsing habits.

Chrome is introducing measures to block such fingerprinting efforts.

5 years ago, Google announced plans to restrict fingerprinting to protect user privacy.

New Chrome updates will include toggles for fingerprinting protection in normal and Incognito modes.

Recent commit messages confirm that Incognito mode will have a fingerprinting protection flag.

Google is working on fingerprinting protections but has stopped supporting third-party cookie blocking.

The release date for these protections is uncertain, but similar features might come to Microsoft Edge.

The update aims to improve profile-level privacy protections, even in Incognito mode.
